Keeping Grace Safe
A children's book about restrictive diets.
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A children's book about restrictive diets.
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General terms in the story allow for all children with food sensitivities or special diets to relate to the character. Multiple additional resources accompany the story to help children learn about safe food practices for themselves and others. A great educational tool for all children and anyone who cares for or educates children with food sensitivities.
Children can make their own safe food book!
Activities, 504 Plan information, how to use the printable book, other resources
Lesson Plans, 504 cheat sheet, letter home, celebration list ideas
Click Here for a PayPal Link $15
Click Here for Amazon Link $16.98
Shipping Included! Multiple Books Ship Free!
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Website for support, education and other resource tools.
Free toolkit to share with your child's classroom about being food allergy safe. Found on Kids With Food Allergies website.
Website for support, resources, research, laws,etc.
Gordy's Magic Diet